DevSecOps Days Munich is Going Virtual!

Due to feedback that traveling to the event will be difficult, ‌we’re replacing the physical event with a virtual format. Stay tuned for updates with a new content for DevOps and developers, AI/ML engineers, as well as security practitioners and leaders.

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Thank you for registering for DevSecOps Days Munich User Conference.​

Your registration is currently being evaluated and we will confirm your seat based on availability. Upon reserving a seat, you will receive an email containing confirmation and event specifics.

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We will be in touch shortly to schedule our Executive Security Discussion.

Thank you for registering!

We look forward to hanging out with you

Thank you for registering for DevSecOps Days Online Virtual Event

You will receive an email confirmation soon.

Thank you for RSVP'ing!

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

Thank you!

Check your email for your registration confirmation.
We look forward to seeing you in Salt Lake!


Thank you for your interest in swampUP 2024. We’ll be in touch shortly!

Thanks for signing up for a Private Security Workshop!

We can’t wait to see you...

Thanks for signing up to the DevSecOps Hangout!

We can’t wait to see you virtually on July 26 at 10AM CET for our LIVE Lightning sessions for DevOps and DevSecOps.

Please note that you will receive a Zoom link to your email shortly. Please save it.